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Hit Boxes

Hit boxes are the basis of how two characters interact in fighting games. Hit box data can be found in the Scripts section of Ono Tool. When you select a move from the left frame of the Scripts window you will find one of the sections listed is Hit box.


Ono! Tool Information

The hit box table of scripts is split into 24 columns.

 Click to view full image


S / E

This is the Start and End frames of the hit box you have selected. Unlike Speed or Physics you actually use the Start and End frames in a rather straight forward way. Setting 5 for S and 15 for E will make the hit box last from 5 until 15 before the application of speed settings.

X / Y

This is the position of the hit box, the X and Y coordinates are relative to the part of the body that the hit box is attached to. All hit boxes and hurt boxes are attached to parts of the character model with the exception of VFX hit boxes.


Currently the usage of this is unknown

Width / Height

This designates the size of the hit box. Width and Height are the distance from the center of the of the hit box, a width of 0.15 would actually be a hit box size of 0.3 as it's 0.15 both left and right from the center.

In addition to width / height, the size of the body part will actually change the size of the hit box. Even a hit box of 0.1×0.1 can become quite large if attached to a body part that changes size during an animation. For example, Dhalsim's limbs greatly increase the size of the hit box in-game when they stretch.

If a value of 0 is used then the game will create a hit box based the default size for that body part's hurt box based on the model bones.


As this is says, it is unused.


This is the id of the hit box, if two hit boxes have the same ID number than when one is used the other one will disappear. This allows you to use multiple hit boxes on the same frame without having a move be multi-hit.


Juggle is an extension of the ID system. It allows two hit boxes on different frames to exist without a move becoming a multi-hit move. A move will only connect if the next Juggle number is higher than the previous one. A move with 3 hit boxes of juggle ID 1 will only hit one time. However a move with 3 hit boxes with Juggle ID 1, 2, and 2 on each subsequent hit box will hit two times.


Type designates what kind of hit box is being created. There are 5 different types of hit boxes

Proximity Proximity is used for Proximity Blocking. An enemy whose Y axis touches a proximity hit box as a will be unable to walk backwards as they will block. The hit box does not need to actually touch the opponent as long as it intersects with their current position on the X axis, regardless of the how high above or below the Proximity hit box the character is.
Normal This refers to “Strike” or “Hit” hit boxes, they are the standard red colored hit boxes used in most attacks.
Grab This refers to “Grabs” or “Throw” hit boxes. These hit boxes cannot be blocked.
Projectile This refers to Projectile hit boxes, not to be confused with VFX fireball hit boxes. Projectile hit boxes in the 'Hitbox' section are still attached to the character. If the character ends the current script (such as by getting hit, or with an EX Focus Cancel) the projectile hit box will disappear unlike with a VFX hit box where the attack will remain active. If two projectile hit boxes touch they cancel each other out.
Reflect Reflect hit boxes on interact with VFX projectiles and are used to reflect a currently active fireball. You have to use the Hitbox Effect and Unkbyte3 to control what type of reflect occurs.

Hit Level

This designates how the attack hits and how must be blocked if it can be at all. There are 5 types of hit levels.

Mid The attack can be blocked standing or crouching.
Overhead The attack can only be blocked standing.
Low The attack can only be blocked crouching.
Unblockable The attack cannot be blocked at all.
Air Only The attack will only hit an opponent who is considered airborne.

Hit Flags

These are flags used that changes properties of how the hit box interacts with hurt boxes. There are 14 flags selectable, you are allowed to select more than one flag at a time.

Raw: 0001 Unknown effect
Raw: 0002 unknown effect
Unblockable The attack cannot be blocked. It is important to note that using this and the Unblockable hit level are not interchangeable. For the purposes of Invincibility you may want an attack to be an unblockable Projectile attack so moves that are projectile invincible can avoid the attack. That is where you use this flag.
Break Armor The attack will cause an armor break on any character who has a Super Armor effect.
Break Counter The attack will break a counter, this important to use for attacks that you want to beat moves like Cammy's Ultra 2. Break armor and Break Counter are not interchangeable. An attack can break counters without breaking armor such as a fireball.
Can Cross up Allows the attack to hit the back half of a character. In addition it will cause reeling to go the opposite direction than normal.
Don't Hit Standing The attack will not hit an opponent who is standing.
Don't Hit Crouching The attack will not hit an opponent who is crouching.
Don't Hit Air The attack will not hit an opponent who is considered airborne.
Don't Hit Front The attack will not hit the front half of a character, only the rear half (past the center line).
Don't Hit Jump Start The attack cannot hit opponents during their pre-jump frames. Any opponent in their “Stand2Jump” script will avoid this attack.
Don't Hit If Have Weapon This hit box will not connect with an opponent if the attacker has a weapon. This is only used by Vega due to his claw vs no claw hit boxes being different but part of the same script.
Don't Hit If No Weapon This hit box will not connect with an opponent if the attacker has NO weapon. This is only used by Vega due to his claw vs no claw hit boxes being different but part of the same script.
Get Target Side Unknown effect?
Ignore KO This attack will ignore KO invincibility.
Ignore Anim This attack will ignore the opponent's current animation.


This is the part of the body that the hit box follows, if it's set to 0 then it follows the Waist.

Body Part Hex Number
Waist 0
Stomach 1
Chest 2
Head 3
Left Shoulder 4
Left Elbow 5
Left Wrist 6
Left Hand 7
Left Hip 8
Left Knee 9
Left Ankle A
Left Foot B
Right Shoulder C
Right Elbow D
Right Wrist E
Right Hand F
Right Hip 10
Right Knee 11
Right Ankle 12
Right Foot 13
Center of Stage (moving X is relative to facing) 14


When this value is set it will stretch the hit box between the body part used for UnkByte1 and the body part designated by UnkByte2. This is used on moves such as Ryu's Shoryuken which originates at the knee and stretches up towards the hand during the second part of the attack.


This is the number of times this hit box will repeatedly hit.

Juggle Potential

This is the juggle potential of this hit box.

Juggle Increment

This is how much to increase the current juggle usage on an opponent in a juggle state when this attack hits.

Juggle Increment Limit

This is the maximum juggle usage that this hit box will increase the juggle usage to when hitting an opponent in a juggle state.

Hit box Effect

Currently unknown what this affects.


This value is used for Rose's reflects. There are currently 4 known values

0 Absorbs the projectile
1 Reflects the projectile horizontally
2 Reflects the projectile at approximately a 45° angle upwards
3 Reflects an EX projectile horizontally


As this is says, it is unused.

Hit Box Data

This tells the game what part of the Attack Table to use when the hit box connects with an opponent.

Raw String

This section should always remain empty


hitboxes.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/16 22:50 by eternal