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*ETC discoveries*

Target Lock (Type 0)
Used for throws or other animations where animation is pre-baked in for opponent such as supers.
Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Unk03 Unk04 Unk05 Unk06
0 = unlock, 1 = lock Number Script to run Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Super Flash (Type 1)
The screen freeze during a super. Only need to set 1F window as it's an on/off switch.
Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Unk03 Unk04 Unk05 Unk06
0=unfreeze 1=Freeze 2=?? Total time to freeze defender in script frames multiplier for attacker based on frame count of Int 2 (Int 2 = 200, Int 3 = 190 then freeze time runs at 95% speed. Best to keep Int 2 & 3 same values Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Unknown (Type 2)
Appears in pandora metamorphosis (and possibly elsewhere) effect unknown
Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Unk03 Unk04 Unk05 Unk06
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

VFX (Type 3)
Spawns a projectile script from the *.eff.bac file
Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Unk03 Unk04 Unk05 Unk06
Script number to use X position to spawn projectile Y position to spawn projectile Z position to spawn projectile Unknown Unknown Unknown

Tag-In (Type 4)
Tags your partner into battlefield and changes who is on point.
Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Unk03 Unk04 Unk05 Unk06
Script index that partner will execute when entering battlefield Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Tag-Out (Type 5)
Tag point character out of the battlefield. If no character is left on battlefield then no commands will work. Make sure to have a Tag-In command in your script!
Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Unk03 Unk04 Unk05 Unk06
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Position Change (Type 6)
Move the character this many units on this frame. Only moves characters on the first Start Tick frame. No reason to have a gap larger than 1 frame between Start and End ticks.
Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Unk03 Unk04 Unk05 Unk06
If set to any value except 1, character will try to teleport to center stage. Unknown, best to use 1 since that is what most scripts use. Unknown, best to use 1 since that is what most scripts use. X movement. Positive value moves towards opponent, negative moves away. Y movement. Positive moves upwards. Negative moves down into ground. Resets when script ends. Z movement. Positive value moves character model away from the screen. Negative value moves character towards screen. Unknown

Throw Tech (Type 7)
The frames that allow for a throw to be teched with a LP+LK input. A throw tech input at ANY time in the script before the Type 7's End Tick will trigger the tech. The tech itself will occur on any frame between the Start & End Ticks.
Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Unk03 Unk04 Unk05 Unk06
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Cross Assault (Type 8)
Triggers a cross assault where an AI (or second player) partner will tag in until the timer runs out.
Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Unk03 Unk04 Unk05 Unk06
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Stance Change (Type 11)
Changes what stance the character is in. Only needs a 1F start/end window.
Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Unk03 Unk04 Unk05 Unk06
What stance to change to. Disables certain inputs via flags (can be combined) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Int 2 known values:

 2 = Disable crouch (can still crouch attack/crouch block)
 4 = Disable jump
 256 = Disable forwards (can still dash / forward jump)
 512 = Disable backwards (can still back dash / back jump / block)
 1024 = Disable forward dash
 2048 = Disable back dash
 4096 = Disable blocking


Camera control? (Type 19)
Modifies position of camera temporarily. The Start / End frames dictate how long to remain in that position. Values are integers that can be positive or negative
Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Unk03 Unk04 Unk05 Unk06
Unknown Unknown Unknown X position. Positive is right; negative left Y position. Positive is up; negative down Z position positive is zoom in; negative zoom out Unknown

Unknown (Type 21)
Something to do with items or stances?
Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Unk03 Unk04 Unk05 Unk06
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Pandora (Type 23)
Enables Pandora mode. Kills off partner, sets a death timer, fills super meter, increases damage by 10%, etc
Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Unk03 Unk04 Unk05 Unk06
If set to any value other than 0 the character will glow like it's in pandora but none of the pandora effects will trigger. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Attack effect install (Type 26)
Causes next attack to feature a special effect. Exact mechanics not entirely understood. Values are done in flags and can be combined.
Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Unk03 Unk04 Unk05 Unk06
What effect to store for next attack
Known effects for param 1:
1 = Unblockable
2 = Armor Break
4 = Break Counter
8 = Counterhit
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

ect_sfxt.1653870191.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/30 00:23 by eternal