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Unkother = -1 None = 0x00

Use_Local_Script = 0x01 (use the specified <script> index) Unk0x02


Hard_Knockdown = 0x08

Hitstun2 = hard knockdown time. Not sure if exactly 1-1 for frame count.

Force X This governs both knock back distance on a juggle & pushback distance on a grounded hit. On a grounded hit the opponent is pushed back this distance. On an air hit the opponent is knocked by twice this distance.

Force Y

The height opponent will fly upwards if using a Blow hit effect. Actual speed of movement is modified by Hitstun value.

Hitstun Frames of hit stun to add to the attack. When hitting an airborne opponent this is how many frames the opponent will remain airborne.

Hitstun2 Time opponent remains knocked down after landing.

attack_table_sfxt.1652861285.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/18 08:08 by eternal