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Attack Table / Hitbox Table

The Hitbox Table is accessed from the main menu of the Ono! Tool. This section affects the damage, stun, meter gain, push back, hit stun, juggle, and physics of moves once they hit the opponent (or are blocked). Each hit box in the game is tied to a hit box table value.

The hit box menu is split into 2 sections.

The left section is where you select the move you wish to view. Currently the Remove, Import, and Export buttons are disabled

Any move that is tied to the data here is listed. A hitbox data can be tied to multiple moves. Any empty sections (such as #13 on the example image) can be modified if you wish to create a new move without changing an existing move. You can also simply select “Add New” which will add an empty value at the bottom of the list.

Selecting a move on the left side will bring up it's data on the right window frame:

Currently the New and Paste functions are disabled. The “raw display” shows the exact numbered values for each section, in general though you don't need it.

The table has several sections each of which affect something different. The sections are as follows:


This section is obvious and unchangable. Each value is self evident except for “Unknown_Standing/Unknown_Crouching/Unknown_Air/Block_Air” which currently seems to do nothing.


Also fairly obvious, this section governs the damage the move does when interacting with the opponent who is in the listed state (Standing/Crouching/Air/Counterhit/Blocking) the value must be a positive value and a whole number. Negative values do nothing.


Same as damage values but instead for stun. The only notable thing is that if a move causes stun damage on block it will not trigger the opponent to become stunned even if you reach their maximum stun. You can only stun on hit or counterhit. Value must be a positive value and a whole number.


This is the type of script that is run when hit. there is Hit, Script, Blow, Blow2, Bound, and Bound2.

Hit Functions just as a normal strike, thus also causes an air reset on hit during a juggle state.
Script Runs a specific script when hit, this is usually for special types of juggles such as crumples or hard knockdowns.
Blow Puts the opponent into an air juggle state. This can vary from Ryu's 9MP float, El Fuertes EX Q-Bomb wall bounce, or spin like Cody's Criminal Upper
Bound Bound Refers to any interaction with the floor of the stage, such as a throw or a ground bounce.


This section refers to the actual script run (while Effect is the TYPE of script) you will find the scripts pertaining to damage types near the top of the list. For the different damage scripts there is some keys you can follow to try and understand what animation you will get. The first letter is what are the damage animation plays. An example would be if a move is set to “DAMAGE_ML”, the light hit animation will play, but it will be a midsection light hit animation.

First Letter Notes

  • L = Low
  • M = Middle
  • H = High
  • C = Crouching

For BLOW Only:

  • H = Horizontal
  • V = Vertical
  • S = Spin

Second Letter Notes

  • L = Light
  • M = Medium
  • H = Heavy
  • J = Jumping

Self Hitstop / Self Shaking / Target Hitstop / Target Shaking

Hitstop refers to the time where the game freezes when a hit connects, this is done to aid in the act of comboing and canceling moves. Without hitstop it would be exceedingly difficult to hitconfirm or cancel any move, in addition hitstop has the added benefit of helping to make moves feel more “forceful” by giving them a sense of weight when they connect.

Hitstop occurs before pushback or damage animation. There are only 3 sections you need to worry about for hitstop

Self Hit Stop The time where the attacker (the character you are editing) is unable to act when hit.
Target Hit Stop The time where the victim (the opponents character) is unable to act when hit.
Target Shaking The number of frames for the opponent's character to have a slight shaking to their animation during hit stop. Purely graphical unless you set it longer than the “Target Hit Stop” value.

In general Self Shaking is never used. Also when modifying values you generally want to always have the Self Hitstop, Target Hitstop, and Target Shaking all be the same. You can change the amount but you want all 3 to be equal as otherwise it can create unintended issues with animation, pushback, or frame advantage. However this is not a rule, as some moves do actually use a different self hitstop and target hitstop, such as Ryu's close medium punch.


This section refers to the special visual effect played when a move connects.



This section is Unknown as of writing this


This is a secondary special graphical effect to play when the opponent is hit. This allows more than one hit spark to play at the same time during an attack. The values are the same as for Hit GFX, however there is no list so you must manually enter any values you want.


This section refers to the sound effect played when the move connects


Hit SFX2

This is a secondary sound effect to play when the opponent is hit. This allows more than one sound effect to play at the same time during an attack. The values are the same as for Hit SFX, however there is no list so you must enter the number manually.

Target SFX

This section is for what voice file the victim should play when hit.


Arcade Score

This value pertains to the amount of points received when the move connects, only effects playing Arcade Mode or the Car Smashing minigame.

Self Meter

This is how much super meter you gain when you connect with the attack.

Target Meter

This is the amount of super meter your opponent receives when hit by the attack. In general this value is equal to 50% of the Self Meter value except in the case of Supers and EX moves.

Juggle Start

This is separate from “Juggle Potential” and “Juggle Increment” found in the hitboxes section. Juggle Start refers to what juggle point value the move should start at when the move hits the opponent. If a move has a juggle start of 0 (zero) it will be considered a free juggle and the next move will bring the move up to juggle potential 1

Target Animation Time

Target animation time refers to the hitstun of a move and varies based on the animation selected for the move (Light, Medium, Heavy, ect) the math used for the animation time so far appears to follow this formula:

0-1 uses the default animation time 2,3,4,5 use the default animation time -4 6,7,8,9 use the default animation time -9+X 10-Onward use the default animation time -10+X where x is the Target Animation Time

It is best to experiment and test this on your own and reference other moves whose data you have access to via the shoryuken frame data wiki until you have a move at the amount of hitstun you want.

Misc Flag

This setting pertains to specific miscellaneous settings for the move when it deals damage. The known settings available are:

Don't KO Raw: 00000001 Prevents the round from ending due to damage inflicted by this attack, used for cinematic moves with multiple hits such as throws, supers, or ultras where you want the final hit to cause the KO.
Armor DMG Raw: 00000002 The damage done by the attack is done as recoverable “gray” health.
Techable Raw: 00000004 The move can quick rised if it caused a knockdown. The game assumes that if you didn't select “untechable” or “Damage_Ashibari” then the move is usually defaulted to techable.
Untechable Raw: 00000008 The move does not allow quick rise on knockdown. Used for moves that juggle but you still want to cause a hard knockdown (such as Sakura's Otoshi or Cody's EX Ruffian Kick)
16 Raw: 00000010 The moves allows for delayed wake up tech

VelX / VelY / AccX / AccY

These values pertain to the physics used on a move during pushback or juggling. X and Y represent the X is left and right and Y is up an down. A key thing to remember is that Velocity and Acceleration are different. Velocity is a constant speed, while Acceleration is continually added on each frame. These values are only applies to attacks on opponents who are in the air.

Pushback Distance

This refers to the amount of distance that the characters are pushed apart when the move hits. This is only applied to attacks vs opponents on the ground.

attack_table.1566972988.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/28 06:16 by eternal