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scripts [2019/08/20 07:14]
eternal [Script]
scripts [2019/08/28 09:03] (current)
eternal [Sub Window]
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 Right clicking on a script in the left column will bring up the options to copy, duplicate, remove, or shift the position of the selected script. ​ Right clicking on a script in the left column will bring up the options to copy, duplicate, remove, or shift the position of the selected script. ​
-You can save time copying a script and clicking paste by simply duplicating a script. Like anything else that you duplicate or copy in the Onotool, you must save and reload the currently selected file if you wish to edit a duplicate. Any changes made to a duplicated value will be reflected in both moves.+You can save time copying a script and clicking paste by simply duplicating a script. Like anything else that you duplicate or copy in the Ono!Tool, you must save and reload the currently selected file if you wish to edit a duplicate. Any changes made to a duplicated value will be reflected in both moves.
 Moving a script'​s position in your list really has no effect. A the movement is temporary as once the file is saved and reloaded scripts will automatically sort themselves by the [[scripts_header#​index | index]] value set in the [[scripts_header|script header data]]. ​ Moving a script'​s position in your list really has no effect. A the movement is temporary as once the file is saved and reloaded scripts will automatically sort themselves by the [[scripts_header#​index | index]] value set in the [[scripts_header|script header data]]. ​
scripts.1566285240.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/08/20 07:14 by eternal