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scripts [2019/08/13 08:06] external edit
scripts [2019/08/28 09:03] (current)
eternal [Sub Window]
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 ======Scripts====== ======Scripts======
-This section ​will cover the basics ​of the "scripts" button ​and provide ​series of links to the more indepth wiki pages on each individual feature within ​move (Cancel/Animation/States/Ect)+The scripts ​section ​of the tool is where the majority ​of the editing is done to create a mod. This area of the tool is the where you will select what move to edit as well as which feature of that move to edit. 
 +=====Ono Tool Information===== 
 +The scripts ​section is first opened from the main window of the tool. Scripts section is laid out into one column ​and a sub window with tabs. 
 +This part is where you choose which area to modify. You have a button to create a New empty script, __**DO NOT USE THIS AS IT WILL CAUSE THE PROGRAM TO CRASH**__. Next to the New button is a paste button, for the paste button to do anything you must first copy a selected script.  
 +===Right Click=== 
 +Right clicking ​on a script in the left column will bring up the options to copy, duplicate, remove, or shift the position of the selected script.  
 +You can save time copying a script and clicking paste by simply duplicating a script. Like anything else that you duplicate or copy in the Ono!Tool, you must save and reload the currently selected file if you wish to edit a duplicate. Any changes made to a duplicated value will be reflected in both moves. 
 +Moving a script'​s position in your list really has no effect. A the movement is temporary as once the file is saved and reloaded scripts will automatically sort themselves by the [[scripts_header#​index | index]] value set in the [[scripts_header|script header data]].  
 +====Sub Window==== 
 +Once you select the script you wish to edit all of the editable data will appear in the sub window on the right side of the tool. These sections are: 
 +[[Scripts_header | Script Header]], 
 +[[Flow | Flow]], 
 +[[Animation ​| Animation]],​ 
 +[[Transition | Transition]],​ 
 +[[States ​| State]], 
 +[[Speed | Speed]], 
 +[[Physics | Physics]],​ 
 +[[Cancels | Cancels]],​ 
 +[[Hitboxes | Hitbox]], 
 +[[Invincibility | Invinc]], 
 +[[Hurtboxes | Hurtbox]],​ 
 +[[ECT | ECT]], 
 +[[Target Lock | Target Lock]], and 
 +[[SFX | SFX]]
scripts.1565683591.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/13 08:06 (external edit)