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charges [2024/06/27 08:54]
eternal [Input]
charges [2024/06/27 08:57] (current)
eternal old revision restored (2019/08/19 10:39)
Line 30: Line 30:
 ====Input==== ====Input====
 This column pertains to the button or direction that must be held.  This column pertains to the button or direction that must be held. 
-When the Type is set to "​Charge"​ this value is equal to the hex number of whatever Charge you are using based on the list's order. Use 'Raw Display'​ to change. For example: Balrog'​s Turn and Punch Level 4 (Kick Version) is the 15th entry in the charge list, so you would set '​Input'​ to '​000F'​ using Raw Display. 
 ====UNK1==== ====UNK1====
charges.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/06/27 08:57 by eternal