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attack_table_sfxt [2022/05/13 03:13]
eternal created
attack_table_sfxt [2022/05/21 04:23] (current)
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 **Flags** **Flags**
 +Flags govern traits of the attack when it hits and can be combined.
 Unkother = -1 Unkother = -1
-None 0x00+NONE 0x0000, 
 +            USE_LOCAL_SCRIPT = 0x0001, 
 +            DONT_KO = 0x0002, 
 +            UNK0x0004 = 0x0004, //No turn? 
 +            HARD_KNOCKDOWN = 0x0008, 
 +            UNK0x0010 = 0x0010, 
 +            UNK0x0020 = 0x0020, 
 +            UNK0x0040 = 0x0040, 
 +            UNK0x0080 = 0x0080, 
 +            UNK0x0100 = 0x0100, 
 +            UNK0x0200 = 0x0200, 
 +            UNK0x0400 = 0x0400, 
 +            UNK0x0800 = 0x0800, 
 +            UNK0x1000 = 0x1000, 
 +            UNK0x2000 = 0x2000, 
 +            UNK0x4000 = 0x4000, 
 +            UNK0x8000 = 0x8000,
-Use_Local_Script = 0x01 (use the specified <​script>​ index) 
-Unk0x04+**Hitstun2** = hard knockdown time. Not sure if exactly 1-1 for frame count.
-Hard_Knockdown = 0x08+ 
 +**Force X** 
 +This governs both knock back distance on a juggle & pushback distance on a grounded hit. On a grounded hit the opponent is pushed back this distance. On an air hit the opponent is knocked by twice this distance.  
 +**Force Y** 
 +The height opponent will fly upwards if using a Blow hit effect. Actual speed of movement is modified by Hitstun value. 
 +Frames of hit stun to add to the attack. When hitting an airborne opponent this is how many frames the opponent will remain airborne. 
 +Time opponent remains knocked down after landing. 
 +**Pre-Jump Hit** 
 +This is the hit effect that occurs when hitting an airborne opponent 
 +**Post-Bound Hit** 
 +This is the hit effect that occurs when hitting an opponent who has been ground bounced.
-**Hitstun2** = hard knockdown time. Not sure if exactly 1-1 for frame count. 
attack_table_sfxt.1652411593.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/13 03:13 by eternal