If you need help with translating Hex values to Decimal you can either use your your Windows Calculator and set it to "Programmer" or use this [[https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/decimal-to-hex.html|Decimal To Hex converter web page]] =====Ect Types===== Here are some of the known breakdowns of what each type does ====Control==== Control handles a variety of mechanical functions. Sometimes inputting a ShortParam will require clicking "Display Raw" and inputting the value manually. ---- |^ ShortParam: 100 (Unk00 = 1) | || Fireball will rotate around the character like Rose's Ultra 2 Soul Satellite | |^ Unk00 ^ Unk01 ^ Unk02 ^ Unk03 ^ Unk04 ^ Unk05 ^ Unk06 | || 1 = Projectile will orbit character | 0 = Spawn projectile in front of character. 1 = Spawn projectile behind character. 2~: Spawn in front and rotates on Z axis at an angle | Unsure | Unsure | Unsure | Unsure | Unsure | ---- |^ ShortParam: 100 (Unk00 = 2) | || Handles knife mechanics on hit/block. | |^ Unk00 ^ Unk01 ^ Unk02 ^ Unk03 ^ Unk04 ^ Unk05 ^ Unk06 | || 2 = When projectile hits opponent will cause Cody's knife to spawn and bounce to stage. Required or else knife disappears permanently. Only spawns knife in matches with Cody but works for both characters. | Unsure | Unsure | Unsure | Unsure | Unsure | Unsure | ---- |^ ShortParam: 101 | || Seems to handle playing a sound effect when hitting the stage? | |^ Unk00 ^ Unk01 ^ Unk02 ^ Unk03 ^ Unk04 ^ Unk05 ^ Unk06 | || Unsure | Sound file to play. Value is in Hex | Unsure | Unsure | Unsure | Unsure | Unsure | ----