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ect_indexes [2022/05/28 02:39]
ect_indexes [2024/06/15 22:28] (current)
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 |^  Super Flash (ShortParam:​ 5)  ||||||| |^  Super Flash (ShortParam:​ 5)  |||||||
-|| The screen freeze during a super. Only need to set 1F window as it's an on/off switch. You have to have 2 Super Flash ECTs one to enable and one to disable it. |||||||+|| The screen freeze during a super. Only need to set 1F window as it's an on/off switch. You have to have 2 Super Flash ECTs one to enable and one to disable it. This effects projectiles as well as players ​|||||||
 |^  Unk00  ^  Unk01  ^  Unk02  ^  Unk03  ^ Unk04  ^  Unk05  ^  Unk06  | |^  Unk00  ^  Unk01  ^  Unk02  ^  Unk03  ^ Unk04  ^  Unk05  ^  Unk06  |
-|| 0=Freeze 1=unfreeze | Total frame count in hex Unknown ​| Unknown | Unused | Unused | Unused |+|| 0=Freeze 1=unfreeze | Speed to run script divided by total freeze time. Number is hex. If value is same as total time between Freeze and Unfreeze ETCs then script runs at 1x speed. If this value is half of the freeze/​unfreeze ​frame count then script runs at 0.5x speed. Does not effect player 1's projectilesSimilar to Unk01, but player 2 is dividing their number by Unk01 instead of freeze/​unfreeze duration. If value is 0 then opponent wont move at all. This value effects projectiles for both players| Unknown | Unused | Unused | Unused |
 ---- ----
ect_indexes.1653705584.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/05/28 02:39 by eternal